Sunday, November 10, 2013

Let the Adventure Begin!!

Well hey there fellow humans :) Just thought I would give you a little introduction into what this blog shall be about!
You see, I am a year 12 student, who will be completely finished my high schooling career this Thursday (14th of November 2013). I contemplated what one could possibly do with so much new free time on their hands, I mean that 6 hours a day, 5 days a week I no longer have to force myself to go to the establishment they call education!
With my soon new found freedom, I thought it would be a great idea to blog, and document my adventures past this point. I have decided to begin a journey with a gift - 'THIS IS NOT A BOOK' by Keri Smith, which was given to me this year for my 18th birthday. So the day I finish school, will be the day I begin this endeavor, or challenge if you will, to complete this book! It's 221 pages are full of incredible challenges and ideas to keep me occupied for 221 days :) I will be opening to a random page every single day and proceeding to complete whatever the page tells me to.
I thought this would be a fun and hilarious journey to embark on as I finish this chapter in my life :) I will also be documenting this adventure on instagram :) So follow me at little_miss_mikki to get some insight!

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