Thursday, March 13, 2014

This is Not a Book: Day 51

Friday 14th March 2014 - I am aware it has been a while since my last post. Sorry :S - Day 51 of THIS IS NOT A BOOK.
Pages 14&15

'This is an ANNOYANCE. 
Do several things to this page
to make it annoying (e.g., make it sticky, 
write an insult, etc.)'

To this page I did the following things: 
1. Spilt tea all of over it with the caption; 'OCD FREAKS, YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO CLEAN THIS UP!' 
2. 'I BET YOU WANT A PEANUT BUTTER CUP RIGHT NOW HEY?! Mwahahaha!' - Why yes. Now I do you horrible text! Peanut butter cups are pretty much my reason for living (dramatically speaking) and I don't get them often due to their sporadic availability. So this statement is truly annoying. 
3. I have also taped a purple nerd on this page; ' YOU CAN NEVER EAT THIS NERD.' - That's just mean isn't it? Purple ones are like the best. I didn't realise how horrible I could be to myself until I came across this page - apparently, the way to annoy me is through not allowing me to eat food. HA. 

Monday, February 10, 2014

This is Not a Book: Day 50

Tuesday 11th February 2014: Day 50 of THIS IS NOT A BOOK

'This is a thought garden. 
Rumor has it, if you plant seeds (ideas) 
in the dirt they will grow and become
true to life in the real world. 
Plant your ideas here.'

OK. So here I didn't exactly plant ideas per say. It was more internal desires. Things that I want to accomplish in my lifetime. Some of these things I obviously cannot achieve completely, but I can do something to help. Even if it is a seemingly minute things, every little bit helps. 
  • Read more old books; old books are different. They look different, smell different and withhold a great deal of power in their words. I believe I will become a better person from reading such things. 
  • Stay true to my style. Already I get some strange looks as I walk down the street in my bright dress, spotty shoes and bowler hat, but I need to make sure I don't change to those who surround me. 
  • Paint. Draw. Do artsy things. There is not a lot of things that allow one's imagination to completely run wild. Art is one of those things that one can find themselves completely immersed in with no expectation or finished piece. It is what it is, and it is for a reason. 
  • Get excited about the little things. I'm excitable, that's no debate. The little things deserve some excitement too. 
  • Drive as much as possible - road trip! A road trip is one of those things I have ALWAYS wanted to. And I will. It will happen :D Idea has been planted. 
  • Change someone's life. Of course I would love to change someone's life, but if that is too far-fetched, just changing their day would be fabulous. If I could turn someone's day around and give them a feeling of warm fuzziness. Life made. 
  • Volunteer a lot. It is no secret that I don't much care for the materials of life. Give me the choice between an experience of cash, and I'm choosing the experience. I would love to volunteer and help as many people and animals as possible throughout my life. 
  • Smile at people. A smile is a powerful thing. 'The world is like a mirror. Frown at it, and it frowns as you. Smile, and it smiles too.'
  • Teach English in Third World countries. Education is a massive downfall in our society today. And that needs to change. I want to help with that. 
  • Work to achieve better standards of education. Especially within the female population. I just finished reading I am Malala, and I also saw Girl Rising, a movie about girls fighting for education a while back. Both were inspiring, and I found it astonishing how much better off the world would be if girls were allowed education. 
  • Stop human trafficking. Obviously I cannot stop this completely all by self. But I would love to help any way I can. 
  • Photograph. Everything. I would like to capture the beauty I see everyday. 
  • Love. And be loved. I know this is cheesy. But who doesn't. 
  • Go to America. My sister is there, and I feel pulled to go there too. I feel like I can do a great deal of good from there. 
  • Stop illegal marriages. Girls from the age of six are allowed to be married off in places like Africa. It's horrible. A girl shouldn't have to go through labor at 13, and that's exactly what's happening! And they're dying because of it. 
  • Clean out my wardrobe. OK, this is less deep! But I did it. I cleaned it out. Got rid of some things. Let go of some things I didn't necessarily want to. It's good to do every now and then. 
  • Go to Africa and work with the animals and people. I'm passionate about both. To be able to go to my dream country and help beautiful endangered species and suffering human beings.. My dream would come true. 
  • Have adventure. Yes! That is all. 
  • Make a difference. Whether it be big or small. 
  • Build a sanctuary for bears. And children without parents. 
  • Become a zookeeper. 
  • Stop canned hunting - don't even get me started! I'll rant for hours. 
  • Make the unwanted (by us) feel loved. 
  • End slavery. 
I think its safe to say I want to do a lot of things. I have all these ideas bouncing around in my mind of things I could do and people I could help. I suppose, planting ideas are great. It allows you to see what you're really passionate about. But planting ideas and growing one's ideas are two different things. You can't just plant an idea and expect it to grow. You have to water the idea, nurture it and help it grow. No idea can grow without help. You have to do something about it. 

This is Not a Book: Day 49

Friday, 21st of January 2014 - Day 49 of THIS IS NOT A BOOK

Pages 10&11

'This is a challenge.
Part 1: Make this page as big as possible.' 

This is my hand print, to scale ;) 

'This is a challenge. 
Part 2: Make this page as small as possible.' 

This is an apple. :) 

Monday, January 20, 2014

This is Not a Book: Day 48

Saturday 11th of January 2014: Day 48 of THIS IS NOT A BOOK
(yes, this is posted very late. I have been busy. Read my other blog, the typewriter journals to know what I have been up to!)
Pages 8&9
'This is a NATURE EMULATOR. Take a break where you are. Add some imagery to this scene'.

This is my scene - slightly intense, but this is just what I think of when I see water - sharks, wreckages, far-off islands etc. 
Just a quick and fun scene to draw. 

Friday, January 10, 2014

This is Not a Book: Day 47

Friday 10th January 2014: Day 47 of THIS IS NOT A BOOK

Page 7
'This is a test of endurance.
1. Hold this is not a book above your head for as long as possible.
2. Write your time here ______________.

I was able to achieve a measly and pathetic five minutes. It is possible I could have gotten more than this, however I was pretty into the book I was reading at the time and soon found my arm resting on my leg before I realised it was falling :)

Thursday, January 9, 2014

This is Not a Book: Day 46

Thursday 9th January 2014: Day 46 of THIS IS NOT A BOOK

Pages 4&5

'This is a Secret Agent. *
INSTRUCTIONS: Give THIS IS NOT A BOOK some kind of disguise to hide its identity.
*Dispose of this note after reading.'

This is my beyond brilliant disguise! I'm sure I could fool even the most intelligent that this is, in fact, a lunch bag, simply and innocently containing one's lunch, and not a book.
This image contains the proof of the disposal of the secret note. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

This is Not a Book: Day 45

Wednesday January 8 2014: Day 45 of THIS IS NOT A BOOK

Page 129&130
Make things disappear at will.
1. Cut out
2. Affix the hole to any surface.
3. Use.
If you could be anywhere you want right now, where would it be?'

I would want to be with Tegan, my sister, preferably in Africa making a difference in someone's life. My heart has always been in Africa, and one day I am sure I will go there and find it :)
I have decided to send this Black Hole to Tegan, as a cute gesture - I thought I would put it in a cool frame as a surprise random gift :)

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

This is Not a Book: Day 44

Thursday 2 January 2014: Day 44 of THIS IS NOT A BOOK

Well, 2014 has begun! Let's get cracking on this challenges!
Page 141&142

'This is a PLOT to rule the world. If I, Tamika, could rule the world, I would make the following changes...'

  • Make history compulsory in all schools
  • Make sure one was hired for ability above all else
  • Allow drivers ed. in schools 
  • Attempt to keep traditions for each country evident (in other words, do not allow imposing cultures dictate how a country is run) 
  • Young marriage in third world countries to have strict penalties 
  • Free and educate prostitutes and others in sex slavery so they have choices 
  • Make smoking illegal 
  • Give each family land to grow own food 
  • Stop cutting down rain forests
  • Have a huge focus on conservation 
  • Attempt to make countries healthier in terms of food and water
  • Allow everyone the chance to know and accept God 
  • Make law in harmony with God's
  • More music and celebration
  • Modesty laws
  • Easier for people to have education 
  • Equality
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Make English/language classes priority (hand-writing, spelling etc) 
  • Everyone contributes to community in some way (even if it is just money through tax) 
  • Not allow technology to take over our lives - bring back some old traditions
  • Send people to other countries who need help - with education, buildings, etc. 
  • Solar power. 
  • Swearing to be fined
  • Movies/shows/music all to be evaluated in terms of acceptability before released to public
  • Cleaning committees 
  • Poaching and unauthorized hunting heavily fined 
  • Easier adoption 
  • Better foster system 
  • Scouts and survival classes compulsory in schools 
  • Heavier and equal crime penalties
There is probably more I could think of with time, but this is the basic gist of what I would think would be great for the world, and what I would love to have the power to change. Of course, this will never happen, and most of these things will never change. But, if I could, I would.